Quotes IRC.


hum oui pardon yros mais j'avoue sur le moment c'était plutôt marrant surtout que tu a coupé toute mes directive gazette avec les jejel dans les phrases....


hum oui pardon yros mais j'avoue sur le moment c'était plutôt marrant surtout que tu a coupé toute mes directive gazette avec les jejel dans les phrases....

Non je te jure ! J'ai coupé ce qui avait lien à la gazette et que seuls nous ont droit de voir ! Désolé si j'ai coupé des jejels XD Je referai la quote plus tard :p


C'est malin maintenant on va penser que la gazette n'est pas sérieuse '>.>
Félix, la prochaine fois, tu demandes ;)


c'est pas grave ... dirent que c'était ultra sérieux jusqu'à ce que yros revienne sur terre....


Vous pensiez avoir tout vu et ben :

-04:02:15- ‹+RC`› Txabix`Gazette : Tu fais quoi la gazette à part rien ? x)
-04:02:24- ‹+Txabix`Gazette› J'attends une réponse :O
-04:02:30- ‹+Txabix`Gazette› C'est du boulot :O
-04:02:38- ‹+RC`› Tu parles
-04:02:43- ‹+RC`› Enlève ce pseudo
-04:02:47- × Nick : RC` -› RC`gazette
-04:02:55- ‹+Txabix`Gazette› Toi aussi tu attends :p
-04:02:58- ‹+RC`gazette› NAN
-04:03:02- ‹+Txabix`Gazette› Sauf que moi le joueur est meilleur =D
-04:03:09- ‹+RC`gazette› Je mets ça pour frimer devant Whoozi


A vos com's

[00:03] * GT|Whoozi slaps Inadin`prune around a bit with a large trout
[00:03] * Txabix`Gazette slaps zerau and Inadin`prune around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:03] * zerau|papaye slaps Inadin`prune around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:03] * GT|Whoozi slaps zerau|papaye around a bit with a large trout
[00:03] * zerau|papaye slaps Txabix`Gazette around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:03] * zerau|papaye slaps GT|Whoozi around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:03] <Txabix`Gazette> Stop :O
[00:03] <Inadin`prune> j'ai arrêter le son^^
[00:03] * GT|Whoozi slaps zerau|papaye around a bit with a large trout
[00:03] <zerau|papaye> je slap plus vite :D
[00:03] * zerau|papaye slaps GT|Whoozi around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:03] * GT|Whoozi slaps zerau|papaye around a bit with a large trout
[00:03] <Inadin`prune> grr
[00:03] * zerau|papaye slaps GT|Whoozi around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:03] * GT|Whoozi slaps zerau|papaye around a bit with a large trout
[00:03] * Inadin`prune slaps zerau|papaye around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:03] * zerau|papaye slaps GT|Whoozi around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:03] * Inadin`prune slaps Mylove` around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:03] * GT|Whoozi slaps zerau|papaye around a bit with a large trout
[00:03] * zerau|papaye slaps Inadin`prune around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:03] * GT|Whoozi slaps zerau|papaye around a bit with a large trout
[00:04] * zerau|papaye slaps GT|Whoozi around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:04] * Inadin`prune slaps Q around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:04] * zerau|papaye slaps GT|Whoozi around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:04] * GT|Whoozi slaps Inadin`prune around a bit with a large trout
[00:04] <Txabix`Gazette> STOP !
[00:04] * zerau|papaye slaps GT|Whoozi around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:04] * Inadin`prune slaps GT|Whoozi around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:04] * GT|Whoozi slaps zerau|papaye around a bit with a large trout
[00:04] * Inadin`prune slaps zerau|papaye around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:04] * zerau|papaye slaps GT|Whoozi around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:04] * GT|Whoozi slaps Inadin`prune around a bit with a large trout
[00:04] * zerau|papaye slaps GT|Whoozi around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:04] * GT|Whoozi slaps zerau|papaye around a bit with a large trout
[00:04] * zerau|papaye slaps GT|Whoozi around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:04] <Txabix`Gazette> Omfg
[00:04] * zerau|papaye slaps GT|Whoozi around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:04] * GT|Whoozi slaps Inadin`prune around a bit with a large trout
[00:04] <Inadin`prune> STOP
[00:04] * GT|Whoozi slaps zerau|papaye around a bit with a large trout
[00:04] * zerau|papaye slaps Inadin`prune around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:04] * zerau|papaye slaps Inadin`prune around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:04] * GT|Whoozi slaps Inadin`prune around a bit with a large trout
[00:04] * GT|Whoozi slaps zerau|papaye around a bit with a large trout
Dernière édition par un modérateur:


-10:58:27- ‹Txabix`Gazette› Z'avez recu le notice?
-10:58:33- ‹peponi› ?
-10:58:36- ‹peponi› notice?
-10:58:41- ‹Lwa13› oui
-10:58:46- ‹peponi› C'est quoi?
-10:58:52- ‹Txabix`Gazette› -10:57:55- Notice N:$* (Broadcast) There will soon be some b0rkage, sorry for the inconvenience!
-10:58:53- ‹Txabix`Gazette› Ce truc
-10:58:57- ‹Txabix`Gazette› L'avez reçu?
-10:59:13- ‹Txabix`Gazette› Q va dégager pour 5 minutes
-10:59:15- ‹Txabix`Gazette› :p
-10:59:20- « Quit\ Q - TheQBot@CServe.quakenet.org *.net *.split
-10:59:20- « Quit\ Artorius - ~ben@cap69-1-82-233-37-45.fbx.proxad.net *.net *.split
-10:59:20- « Quit\ naroud - webchat@ARouen-156-1-74-46.w90-8.abo.wanadoo.fr *.net *.split
-10:59:20- « Quit\ peponi - webchat@ *.net *.split
-10:59:21- « Quit\ Spino - webchat@152.234-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be *.net *.split
-10:59:21- « Quit\ Lwa13 - ~Temariii@ALille-153-1-33-130.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr *.net *.split
-10:59:21- « Quit\ Inadin - ~chatzilla@ *.net *.split
-10:59:27- » Join\ Djevara - ~karell_sa@228.193-200-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be -[8]- #guerretribale
-11:00:02- ‹Txabix`Gazette› Voilà ce que je voulais dire :x
-11:00:42- ‹Ryuusukekun› ^^
-11:00:53- ‹Ryuusukekun› il est toujours là...
-11:01:27- ‹Txabix`Gazette› Q? non


Dernière édition par un modérateur:


Bonjour ,

non gardons un minimum de sérieux ... :D

Le mec qui a pas peur qui fait tous les test que mylove propose ...

Le whoozi Owned kwa :p

Nan tkt whoozi me moque pas de toi mais faut avouer que là c'était ultime <3

Bisoux bisoux :eek:
